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Why You Should Microchip Your Cats

Why You Should Microchip Your Cats

With the upcoming implementation of AVS’s Cat Management Framework in Singapore, microchipping will be legally required for all pet cats.

While collars and ID tags are commonly used for identification, microchipping offers a more reliable and permanent solution.

Let's look at why you should microchip your cats.

1. Permanent Identification

Unlike collars and tags, which can break or be removed, a microchip offers permanent identification for your cat. About the size of a grain of rice, it's inserted under the skin & lasts a lifetime. Each microchip has a unique ID number readable by a scanner, ensuring your cat can always be identified if lost. However, you must register the microchip to your details, or the scan will show no owner's information.

2. Increased Chances of Recovery if Lost

Animal shelters, veterinary clinics and rescue organizations have scanners to check for microchips. When a lost cat is found, a quick scan can reveal the microchip number, and AVS can trace the owner’s contact information, facilitating a swift reunion.

3. Legal Requirement for Import and Export

For those who are planning to move overseas, microchipping is a legal requirement for the import and export of pets. Ensuring your cat is microchipped will streamline the process in compliance with international pet travel regulations.

4. Proof of Ownership

A registered microchip provides proof of ownership. This can be particularly useful in situations where ownership is contested.

5. Peace of Mind

Knowing that your cat has a permanent form of identification provides reassurance that they can be traced back to you if they accidentally run out and get lost. This added layer of security is invaluable for any responsible pet owner. However, you must always ensure keeping them indoors at all times, in a fully cat proofed home.

6. Cost-Effective

Microchipping is a one-time procedure that is relatively inexpensive, is a worthwhile investment in your cat’s safety and many veterinary clinics in Singapore offer microchipping services at affordable rates.

7. Supports Responsible Pet Ownership

Microchipping is a hallmark of responsible pet ownership. It demonstrates your commitment to your cat’s safety and well-being.

Thank you to The Cat Crusaders SG (@catcrusaderssg) for granting permission to use their Infographics!

Downloadable Infographics on our IG @thecatwhisperersg

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