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Fleas, Mites, Ticks & Worms: Treatments for Cats & Dogs

Fleas, Mites, Ticks & Worms: Treatments for Cats & Dogs

Fleas, ticks, mites & worms are various types of parasites that can affect dogs & cats. These parasites can cause discomfort, transmit diseases & impact the overall health of pets, if let untreated. They attach themselves to the skin of animals to feed on their blood.

Let's discuss more on what Fleas, Mites, Ticks & Worms: Treatments for Cats & Dogs mean for you & your pet.

Fleas, ticks & mites are external parasites.


Fleas are small, blood sucking insects that survive by feeding on animal or human blood. Their bites can cause discomfort, itchiness, and irritation.


Ticks are small, blood-sucking bugs that attach to pets and can give them diseases. They’re arachnids, which means they’re related to spiders. They're often found in grassy areas.


Mites are similar to ticks that can bother pets' skin and ears. They cause itching and sometimes hair loss. Mites can consist of Fur Mites, Ear Mites, Sarcoptes (Scabies) & Demodex.

Worms, on the other hand, are internal parasites that can live in the animal's stomach or intestines. They can cause stomach problems & other issues.

Various types of worms can affect dogs & cats internally.


These are common intestinal parasites that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, pot-bellied appearance & in severe cases, intestinal blockages. They can also be transmitted to humans (zoonotic).


Hookworms attach to the intestinal lining & feed on blood, causing anemia, weight loss & bloody diarrhoea. They can also be transmitted through the skin.


Tapeworms are segmented worms that can be transmitted to animals through fleas or by ingesting infected animals. They often appear as small, rice-like segments in the faeces or around the anus.


These worms can cause chronic diarrhoea, weight loss & inflammation of the large intestine.


These are transmitted by mosquitoes & reside in the heart & blood vessels of animals. Heartworm disease can lead to serious heart & lung problems, or even death if left untreated.

How to Treat?

To keep pets healthy, there are various prevention methods that you can use if you think your pet has these problems. Spot-on treatments are the most commonly used as it enters the sebaceous glands in your pet’s skin & spreads over their whole body surface with their natural oils.

As there is not 1 product that covers every single parasite & every product comes with its own risks, it is important to discuss with your vet on which is most suitable for your pet.

You can find a downloadable Infographic of the most common Parasite Treatments used around the world.

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Fleas, Mites, Ticks & Worms: Treatments for Cats & Dogs


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