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Dear First Time Owner - what you need to know before getting a Cat

Updated: Aug 18, 2023


The most common thing I hear from first time owners is that their cat(s) is stressing them out. Most first time cat owners fail to realize that cats are not dogs!

Your cat communicates with their eyes, ears and body language. It's time to learn what all of that means.

You do not own a cat. The cat owns you.

1. Your cat is crepuscular - err, what??

You may have heard that cats are "nocturnal", i.e. they are active at night. No, no. Owls, bats, raccoons are nocturnal.

Cats are crepuscular, i.e. they are most active during twilight hours, such as at dawn and dusk. In short, after the sun sets and before the sunrise - when you are tired.

Congratulations on becoming a cat owner! *insert evil laughter*

2. Your cat does "zoomies"

The zoomies. You know what they are? It's when you think your cat has gone mad - when they run around in short bursts of energy, in a frenzy. They may or may not knock over things in their way. Cats are masters of tiptoeing around fragile objects but when they get into the zoomie mood, all rules may go out the door.

Why do they do it though? It's a way for them to be energetic, be silly, be fun, hunt and play. They may do it when they are happy, feeling playful or anxious. I can promise you loads of laughter from watching them!

For some reason, some cats love to do it after a good pee or poop, or at 3am in the morning when he feels like going for a jog.

3. Your cat may send you mixed signals

Your cat wants to be independent. At the same time, he's lonely and wants love. But when you give it to him, he doesn't want it.

You leave the room door open, but he doesn't want to come in.

The moment you shut the door, he meows and paws at it.

"Let me in, you cruel hooman. How can you shut me out like this!"

4. Your cat is very opinionated with what he likes

Change the type of litter or litterbox, or placement of litterbox or not clean it properly and suddenly your cat may start peeing on the floor or the bed.

Change the type of food suddenly and your cat may go on a hunger strike.

Bring home a friend he doesn't like and your cat may retreat to the room.

Some cat owners will have difficulties to transition their cats to special vet prescribed diets or feed at weird timings because they panic when the cat refuses to eat.

It is important to know that you can transition a cat, with the right methods and tools.

5. Your cat can be a jerk


There is such a thing as too much love, in the world of a cat. He may rub up against you to initiate a patting session but bite you or kick your hand away when he's decided it's enough and he's done with you.

If you have more than 1 cat, they can also be jerks towards each other. One may watch the other happily minding his own business and decide he wants to pick a fight for no good reason.

Your cat may also meow at you at 5am, trying to get your attention and wake up because he's hungry, only for you to walk over to his food bowl and realize, there's food.

6. Fight or Flight

"Fight or flight" is a physiological response that occurs in response to a perceived threat or danger. It is a natural response and it's important for you to know this - why?

It means that when your cat feels threatened, or afraid, he either attacks or flees. If your home is not catproofed, out the door or window he is likely to go because his immediate response is to get away, and get away quick.

He may hear a sudden loud noise and get shocked. This may inadvertently result in him biting or scratching you, if you happened to be right next to him.

You may move suddenly, or accidentally drop something on the ground, and off he goes scurrying away.

The important thing to note is not to panic or scare him further.

7. Your cat may growl, hiss, bite or scratch you at some point

Sometimes the only way for them to get their message across is through a bite or a scratch. All of us cat owners wear some sort of scars on our hands, so if you're not mentally prepared for this to happen, you may not be ready for a cat.

At the end of the day, animals are still animals.

My cat Ellie, is a sweetheart who is obsessed with me, but she will scratch me every time I trim her nails. The important thing is to know their triggers and avoid them, or prevent them.

8. Your cat is an oxymoron - predictable yet unpredictable

Cats are known for being creatures of habit, as they are very routine-oriented and work like clock work. Cats have a natural internal body clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which helps to regulate their sleep and wake cycles and other physiological processes. They depend on light, temperature, and feeding times to keep them on a regular schedule.

Be a minute late to feed them, and you'll likely get dirty looks.

9. Do not underestimate a cat, ever

Cats may react differently when they are under stress or feel threatened, just as I've described in point 6.

You may think that they are the sweetest things at home, but don't be alarmed if your vet tells you that your cat is very fierce. Similarly, a cat that walks all over you, may be better controlled at the vet by strangers.


Cats may react very differently at the vet, or under stressful situations.

This is why it is important not to let your cat out of its carrier in public, in a car, in the vet or carry him to the clinic with no carrier, thinking that you can control him easily.

You may be making a grave mistake.

Cats are not dogs, and they do not need to be walked, they do not have 9 lives and they do not have a mind map to their homes if let out.

10. Cats make you feel like you've earned something

Being in the presence of an animal is a beautiful thing, as they love you unconditionally. The way they look at you as if you're their whole world, and you are.

They have silly antics, feel sad, happy, jealous and they may show you love just by sitting next to you.

The way they close their eyes contently, or throw themselves onto your lap or just keep rubbing against your legs.

They uplift bad days and make good days even better.

Remember that you are blessed to be loved by an animal, so treat them well, love them forever, and welcome to one of the best experiences in your life.


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