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Do cats get jealous?

Do cats get jealous?

Contrary to popular belief, cats are not unemotional. Cats actually have a wide range of emotions; they may just choose not to give much away. They give you the cutest side eye when they dislike something or have their teeny feelings hurt. They seem like they know what you're saying, but the question many owners wonder is, do cats get jealous?

Let's discuss 6 reasons why cats may get jealous.

1.Territorial Instincts:

Cats are territorial animals, and they can become possessive of their space, toys or even their owners. If a new pet or person enters the home and receives attention, a cat might feel threatened and act in ways that seem like jealousy. This behavior is often linked to their natural instinct to protect their territory.

2.Attention & Affection:

Cats are creatures of habit & become accustomed to routines. If a cat is used to receiving a certain amount of attention & suddenly perceives a shift in focus, it might respond with behaviors that seem like jealousy. This could include attempting to interrupt interactions between their owner & another person or pet.

3.Resource Competition:

Cats may exhibit possessive behavior when it comes to resources such as food, treats or favorite spots in the house. If they see another cat or pet receiving attention or treats, they might express what appears to be jealousy as a way to secure their resources.

4.Individual Personalities:

Cats, like humans, have unique personalities. Some cats are more social & tolerant of sharing attention, while others may be more solitary & less willing to accept changes. Understanding your cat's individual temperament can provide insights into whether certain behaviors are motivated by jealousy or other factors.

5.Communication Signals:

Cats communicate using body language, vocalizations & scent marking. Signs of potential jealousy may include aggressive behavior, vocalizations or attempts to physically insert themselves into the situation. However, it's crucial to consider other factors such as fear or anxiety, which could also contribute to these behaviors.

6. Business Not as Usual:

Cats are very senstive creatures & can be affected by even the slightest changes. Most cats hide their hurt well & owners may not even notice that the cat has become slightly withdrawn. When their usual routine or space is disrupted (e.g. new baby), they may appear more needy or withdrawn, over vocalize or quieter or even stop eating.

You can find a downloadable Infographic below & on our Instagram Page @thecatwhisperersg

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