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What do I do with my Cats in the event of a Fire?

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

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Recently, there have been a few outbreaks of fire in residential homes with cats.

In the event of a fire, the safety of both you & your pets should be your top priority. As we cat owners know, cats are rarely like dogs, where they will come if called.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure the safety of your cats during a fire emergency:

1. Call for help & Stay Low:

Dial the emergency number to report the fire & request assistance. Inform the dispatcher the number of people & pets inside the house that may need rescue. If there is smoke in the house, remember that smoke rises & the air near the ground is likely to be less toxic. Stay low while moving to avoid inhaling smoke.

2. Stay calm:

Cats are sensitive to stress, so try to remain as calm as possible. Sudden movements & loud noises may frighten them even more, which can in turn make them anxious & harder to handle. Some cats will keep running around the moment they sense panic or hide in hard to reach places.

3. Have a prior Evacuation plan:

Ideally, you should have a fire evacuation plan that includes your pets. Assign each family member a specific task, such as grabbing the cat carrier or calling for one cat, while the other may focus on the other pet in a multi pet household. It is a good idea to place a pet alert sticker on your front door or behind near the lock, indicating the number & type of pets in your household.

4. Keep carriers assembled & accessible:

Though it may be more convenient to have foldable carriers that you can dismantle, time is of the essence in a fire. You should have a clean, working carrier for each cat ready to go, with pee pads lined inside in your store / bomb shelter. Keep clean towels or blankets close by. This way, you can grab and go.

5. Use a towel or a blanket:

If you can safely approach your cats, try using a towel or blanket to wrap around them gently. This can help protect you from scratches & make it easier to carry them to safety or toss into the carrier. Remember to check carriers are fully locked & secured.

6. Use caution when handling scared cats:

Even the most docile cats can become unpredictable during emergencies. If your cats are frightened & hiding, do not corner or chase them, as they may become aggressive out of fear. Instead, leave doors open & calmly call them to encourage them to come out. If your cats are familiar with treats or toys, use them to lure them out of hiding. The sound of treats shaking or toys squeaking might encourage them to come to you.

You can find a downloadable infographic below & on our Instagram page.

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